Stellar Pulsation, space photometry, exoplanets (SPEX)

Kepler Blazhko RR Lyrae light curves

These 4-year long, detrended, cleaned, 'final' light curves were made from the Kepler observations using tailor-made apertures to retain as much flux as possible. All of them belong to Blazhko-modulated RRab stars.

Download the light curves:

All light curves tarred and bzipped

Benkő et al. 2014, ApJS, 213, 31:

Benkő & Szabó, 2015, ApJL, 809, L19:


If you download and use these data, please refer to this paper:

J. M. Benkő, E. Plachy, R. Szabó, L. Molnár, Z. Kolláth:
Long Time-Scale Behaviour of the Blazhko Effect from rectified Kepler Data
ApJS, 213, 31, 2014

If you download and use V350 Lyr and KIC 7021124 data, please refer to this paper, as well:

J. M. Benkő, R. Szabó:
The Blazhko effect and additional excited modes in RR Lyrae stars
ApJL, 809, L19, 2015

If you have any question, don't hesitate to contact the PI of the project, József Benkő: benko at

Kepler non-Blazhko RR Lyrae light curves

These 4-year long, detrended, cleaned, 'final' light curves were made from the Kepler observations using tailor-made apertures to retain as much flux as possible. These ones belong to non-modulated (non-Blazhko) RRab stars.

Download the long cadence light curves:

All light curves tarred and bzipped

Benkő MNRAS, 473, 412, 2018:

Download the short cadence light curves:

All light curves tarred and bzipped

Benkő et al. MNRAS, 485, 5897, 2019:


If you download and use these data, please refer to these papers:

J. Nemec, R. Smolec, J. Benkő et al.:
Fourier analysis of non-Blazhko ab-type RR Lyrae stars observed with the Kepler space telescope
MNRAS, 417, 1022, 2011 (early data)

J. M. Benkő:
On the connection between almost periodic functions and Blazhko light curves
MNRAS, 473, 412, 2018 (long cadence data)

J. Benkő, J. Jurcsik. A. Derekas:
Revisiting the Kepler non-Blazhko RR Lyrae sample: cycle-to-cyle variations and additional modes
MNRAS, 485, 5897, 2019 (short cadence data)

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact the PI of the project, József Benkő: benko at

Kepler background short-period eclipsing binaries:

In the course of the Kepler Pixel Project, we found 547 short-period eclipsing binaries in the original Kepler field in the apertures of the main targets. These are mostly faint, background targets.

Download the data:


If you download and use these data, please refer to this paper:

J. Bienias, A. Bódi, A. Forró et al.:
Background Short Period Eclipsing Binaries in the Original Kepler Field
ApJS, 256, 11, 2021

If you have any question, please contact John Bienias: john.bienias at

Kepler background RR Lyrae stars:

In the course of the Kepler Pixel Project, we found 26 RR Lyrae stars in the original Kepler field in the apertures of the main targets. These are faint, background targets.

Download the data:


If you download and use these data, please refer to this paper:

A. Forró, R. Szabó, A. Bódi et al.:
Kepler Pixel Project - background RR Lyrae stars in the primary Kepler mission field of view
ApJS, accepted, 2022, arXiv:2203.08596

If you have any question, please contact Adrienn Forró: forro.adrienn at

K2-E2 RR Lyrae:

These 8.9-day long RR Lyrae data files were taken during the K2 Two-Wheel Concept Engineering Test (K2-E2). The detrended, cleaned, 'final' light curves belong to various RR Lyrae subtypes (Blazhko-modulated RRab stars, non-Blazhko stars, RRc, RRd).

Download the data:


If you download and use these data, please refer to this paper:

L. Molnár, R. Szabó, P. A. Moskalik, et al.:
An RR Lyrae family portrait: 33 stars observed in Pisces with K2-E2
MNRAS, 452, 4283, 2015

If you have any question, please contact László Molnár: lmolnar at

K2 RR Lyrae light curves in Leo IV dwarf galaxy

Leo IV fell into the field-of-view of the first scientific campaign (C1) of the K2 mission and was observed between May 30 and August 21, 2014. The datafile contains 82-day long raw and processed light curves of 3 RR Lyrae belonging to the galaxy. For more information please see the Molnár et al. paper below.

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If you download and use these data, please refer to this paper:

L. Molnár, A. Pál, E. Plachy, V. Ripepi, M. I. Moretti, R. Szabó, L. Kiss:
Pushing the limits, episode 2: K2 observations of extragalactic RR Lyrae stars in the dwarf galaxy Leo IV
ApJ, 812, 2, 2015

If you have any question, please contact László Molnár: lmolnar at

K2 RR Lyrae light curves processed with the Extended Aperture Photometry method

RR Lyrae and Anomalous Cepheids light curves observed in Campaigns 3,4,5 and 6 of the K2 mission. For more information please see the Plachy et al. paper below.

Download the data

Download Table 2


If you download and use these data, please refer to this paper:

E. Plachy, L. Molnár, A. Bódi, M. Skarka, P. Szabó, R. Szabó, P. Klagyivik, Á. Sódor, B. J. S. Pope:
Extended Aperture Photometry of K2 RR Lyrae stars
ApJS, 244, 32, 2019

If you have any question, please contact Emese Plachy: plachy.emese at

K2 RR Lyrae light curves processed with the Automated Extended Aperture Photometry method

RR Lyrae light curves observed in Campaigns 0-19 of the K2 mission. For more information please see the Bódi et al. paper below.

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If you download and use these data, please refer to this paper:

A. Bódi, P. Szabó, E. Plachy, L. Molnár, R. Szabó:
Automated Extended Aperture Photometry of K2 variable stars
PASP submitted, 2021

If you have any question, please contact Attila Bódi: bodi.attila at

CoRoT RR Lyrae light curves from LRa03 to LRc10

We found new RR Lyrae stars in later CoRoT observing runs. For details please see Benkő et al. (2016).

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If you download and use these data, please refer to this paper:

J. M. Benkő, R. Szabó, A. Derekas, Á. Sódor:
Finest light curve details, physical parameters, and period fluctuations of CoRoT RR Lyrae stars
MNRAS, 463, 1769, 2016

If you have any question, please contact Jozsef Benkő: benko at

Main-belt asteroids from the K2 Mission

We studied main-belt asteroids with K2 in the M35 and Neptun/Nereid fields. For details please see Szabó et al. (2016).

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If you download and use these data, please refer to this paper:

R. Szabó, A. Pál, K. Sárneczky et al.:
Uninterrupted optical light curves of main-belt asteroids from the K2 mission
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 596, A40, 2016

If you have any question, please contact Róbert Szabó: rszabo at

We also studied main-belt asteroids with K2 in the Uranus field in Campaign 8. For details please see Molnár et al. (2018).

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If you download and use these data, please refer to this paper:

L. Molnár, A. Pál, K. Sárneczky et al.:
Main-belt asteroids in the K2 Uranus field
ApJS 234, 37, 2018

If you have any question, please contact László Molnár: lmolnar at

Cepheids observed by TESS

We analyzed the first TESS Cepheid sample. It contains fundamental mode, overtone, double-mode, Type II, and anomalous Cepheids, as well. For details please see Plachy et al. (2021).

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If you download and use these data, please refer to this paper:

E. Plachy, A. Pál, A. Bódi et al.:
TESS observations of Cepheid stars: first light results
ApJS, 253, 11, 2021

If you have any question, please contact Emese Plachy: plachy.emese at

V764 Mon observed by TESS

In this paper we analyzed the TESS light curve of V764 Mon that was assumed to be the brightest RR Lyrae star in the sky. Instead, we found that it is a rapidly rotating delta Scuti star. For details please see Benkő and Sódor (2021).

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If you download and use these data, please refer to this paper:

J. M. Benkő, Á. Sódor, A. Pál:
Photometric and spectroscopic investigations of the Galactic field RRc candidates V764 Mon and HY Com
AcA, 71, 55, 2021

If you have any question, please contact József Benkő: benko.jozsef at

RR Lyrae stars observed by TESS

In this paper we analyzed the first TESS light curve of RR Lyrae stars. For details please see Molnár et al. (2022).

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If you download and use these data, please refer to this paper:

Molnár et al:
First results on RR Lyrae stars with the TESS space telescope: untangling the connections between mode content, colors and distances
ApJS, A8, 2022

If you have any question, please contact László Molnár: molnar.laszlo at

Bright RRc stars observed by TESS

In this paper we analyzed 633 TESS light curve of bright RRc stars. For details please see Benkő et al. (2023).

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If you download and use these data, please refer to this paper:

Benkő et al:
Time series analysis of bright TESS RRc stars: Additional modes, phase variations and more
MNRAS, in press, 2023

If you have any question, please contact József Benkő: benko.jozsef at

Machine Learning

In this paper we created a Multiple-Input Neural Network for variable star classification. The base of this neural network is a convolutional method which classifies phase-folded light curves as images, but can increase the the precision with additional numerical inputs, e.g. period or reddening-free brightness. For details please see Szklenár et al. (2022).

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If you download and use these data, please refer to this paper:

Szklenár et al:
Variable Star Classification with a Multiple-input Neural Network
ApJ, 938, 37, 2022

If you have any question, please contact Tamás Szklenár: szklenar.tamas at

Pulsation models

In this paper we compare the Budapest-Florida code and the RSP in MESA, as well as calibrate the turbulent convective parameters. This video shows the behavior and structure of the stellar models in case of an RR Lyrae star. For details please see Kovács et al. (2023).

Download the video file


If you download and use this file, please refer to this paper:

Kovács, Nuspl & Szabó:
Calibration of the convective parameters in stellar pulsation hydrocodes
MNRAS, 521, 4878, 2023

If you have any question, please contact Gábor Kovács: kovacs.gabor at

Period validation of the RR Lyrae stars in the Pan-STARRS survey and in the K2 mission

In this paper we validate the period determination of RR Lyrae stars found in the Pan-STARRS survey using the K2 space mission and Gaia data. For details please see Forró et al. (2024).

Download the table


If you download and use this file, please refer to this paper:

Forró et al:
Validation of the RR Lyrae period determination in the Pan-STARRS PS1 3π survey with K2
A&A submitted, 2024

If you have any question, please contact Adrienn Forró: forro.adrienn at